A Serendipitous Discovery at a Bookstore

The other day I visited the nearest Barnes & Noble with a shopping list. I’m an avid reader, but I’m not typically the sort of person who browses for books. I have too many other things I want to do to waste my time browsing through stacks of books that are mostly either mediocre or not to my taste. Instead I keep a To Read list with books that are recommended by friends or experts or have been selected by my book clubs.

On this particular evening, I had an exchange to make. I had my book club list ready figuring I’d replace the 2025 planner I bought before a family member thoughtfully gifted me a planner with a book I expect to read this coming year. However, my eye was immediately grabbed by this title on a table near the entrance:

Cover art for Accidentally Wes Anderson Adventures by Wally and Amanda Koval.

I’m a big fan of the Wes Anderson aesthetic: the vibrant colors, the symmetry, the dichotomy of man-made vs. nature, the vintage objects and clothing. Sign me up for all of it. I also love travel books, especially those that highlight the quirky ways people indulge their growth needs, such as Bring Me! or the Weird Travel Guide series. This book combining the two, Accidentally Wes Anderson Adventures, was not on my shopping list, but I kept returning to it, which is always a sign to me that I need to take it.

I did come home with the book, and I have been absolutely delighted every time I pick it up. So far all I’ve done is flip it open to a random page, but every gorgeous picture is accompanied by information about the picture. The writing and the subject matter are as appealing as the photos.

Serendipity is when something unexpected happens that somehow benefits you, and therefore it gives you the thrill of short-term happiness. My expectation for my trip to the bookstore was that I would exchange the planner for a book club book. Outside of that expectation, I stumbled on a delicious treat of a book. The outcome for this event far exceeded my expectation (because I had no expectation of this sort), and every time I reflect on my purchase by picking up the book, I am further tickled. That’s a lot of bang for a few bucks!

When we encounter serendipity, we may also receive a boost to our long-term happiness. We might feel like a higher power is at work, that we were meant to be in the right place/right time for the discovery. That sense of meaning or purpose to the occasion can help with our growth needs. Serendipity can additionally affect our esteem needs if we feel like there is something about our character that makes the event particularly special or important. For example, if I felt like I had an expert eye for art (I don’t!), I might feel like God/destiny/the universe put that book in my path because I am one of a rare breed who could fully appreciate the book.

Do you remember the last time you felt the thrill of serendipity? What was your unexpected discovery? Do you think it brought you some long-term happiness, as well?


  • After finding the book I discovered there are whole communities focused on capturing the Wes Anderson aesthetic. The Kovals manage a large one through their website, Instagram and Facebook pages, but there is also an independent reddit group and Facebook group. You know, just in case this is your sort of thing, too.


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