A Recent Cooking Class
Over the weekend, my friends and I met up at the local Sur La Table for a cooking class. Our group was an odd number with five of us, so we had to split up, two of us joining a couple who were there on a date night. Chatting with the couple over the course of the evening, I learned that the man had surprised the woman with the date, and it was not altogether a welcome surprise. From what I gathered, the woman felt a responsibility to cook all the time, not just for her partner but also for her kids and grandkids. On a date planned by her partner, she expected to be relieved of that responsibility. Thus, being taken to a cooking class, the outcome for the date event fell short of her expectations.
Despite acknowledging her disappointment, she made the most of the experience and was encouraging of her partner, who rarely cooks. He took charge in places, searing our chicken to perfection and diving into the chopping. Perhaps upon reflection she recognized that the spirit of his intentions was loving.
For my part, the event exceeded my expectations and helped fill my cup in multiple ways: I always enjoy seeing this group of friends, and I loved the team aspect of cooking a meal in a group (social). The instructor gave great tips to help improve our overall cooking abilities (growth). My "team" was supportive of my efforts, praising my endive-searing skills (esteem). However, with a capable instructor watching over us, I felt very little pressure. Any mistakes on my part would be caught and corrected (safety). Finally, we were able to enjoy the end result: the meal was delicious and fairly healthy (physiological).
Have you been on a date that fell short of your expectations? How did you react?